I together with other colleagues got three papers accepted at CVPR 2010.
Amir Saffari, Martin Godec, Thomas Pock, Christian Leistner, Horst Bischof, “Online Multi-Class LPBoost“, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2010. Code. Bernhard Zeisl, Christian Leistner , Amir Saffari , Horst Bischof, “Online Semi-Supervised Multiple-Instance Boosting“, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2010. Jakob Santner, Christian Leistner, Amir Saffari, Thomas Pock, Horst Bischof, “PROST: Parallel Robust Online Simple Tracking“, Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2010.
Since udevinfo has been removed and merged at binary level with udevadm in Jaunty Jackalope (Ubuntu 9.04), the isotostick.sh script which copies the ISO image to a USB stick does not work out of box. So here is a patched version of isotostick which uses udevadm instead.
Download: isotostick-jj.sh